Dynamics 365 Business Central – you can do more with your URL

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central web client has several parameters in the URL, allowing you to manipulate what is displayed in the web browser.

There are many parameters available for use in constructing the URL. For example, you can display a specific page, table, or report. Load the web client for a particular user profile, and build a view for embedding in another web application, with the navigation bar and ribbon hidden.

A few of my most used listed here:

companyopens the client in a specific company
pageopens to a specific page object
page=42 to show the Sales Order page
tableopens a specific table object
table=18 to show the Customer Table
showribbonspecifies if the action bar is shown on a page.
showribbon=1 displays the action bar
showribbon=0 hides the action bar
filterapply a filter to the records displayed
modespecifies if the page should be open in View, Edit or Create mode
mode=view opens the page in view mode
mode=edit opens the page in edit mode
shownavigationspecifies if the navigation bar is shown on a page.
shownavigation=1 displays the navigation bar
shownavigation=0 hides the navigation bar
isembeddedspecifies that the client is displayed in embedded mode, for viewing in another application
isembedded=1 set the embedded mode

Note: for the following examples you would use your hostname and tenant id in the url.

Use of the table parameter to display the customer table (18) (https://businesscentral.dynamics.com/?company=CRONUS%20USA%2C%20lnc.&table=18):

Use of the page parameter to display the item card (30) (https://businesscentral.dynamics.com/?company=CRONUS%20USA%2C%20lnc.&page=30):

Displaying the Sales Order page (42) without the ribbon, ui parts and opening in edit mode (https://businesscentral.dynamics.com/?company=CRONUS%20USA%2C%20Inc.&page=42&showribbon=0&showuiparts=0&mode=edit):

When building the URL, You can place parameters in any order after /?, separated by the ampersand (&). Use %20 for any spaces in values, and enclose values in single quotes (”).

Filter Data – Data displayed on the page can be filtered with the filter parameter. For example, to show the Sales Order List page, with all orders for the “Sell-to Customer” ‘10000’, you’d use the page and filter parameters in your URL. For example (https://businesscentral.dynamics.com/?company=CRONUS%20USA%2C%20Inc.&page=9305&filter=’Sell-to Customer No.’ IS ‘10000’)-

Read more about the feature web client urls here.

Note: The code and information discussed in this article is for informational and demonstration purposes only. This content was created referencing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 2 online.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.dvlprlife.com/2022/11/dynamics-365-business-central-you-can-do-more-with-your-url/


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    • RP on November 8, 2023 at 1:14 pm
    • Reply

    Is there a way on page load to add a parameter, example add “&showribbon=0” ?

    1. The parameters are not controlled by the page.

    • Leumas on January 25, 2024 at 1:16 pm
    • Reply

    Hi how can i send link of specific document in email? Can you please show me some references ?

    1. To do so, use the share link from a document page and select “Copy Link.”
      Copy Link

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