Dvlpr Life

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Validate field pattern with Regular Expression in Dynamics 365 Business Central

When accepting user input in a field, it may be necessary to validate that the value matches a particular pattern. In early versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you could use the RegEx dotNet libraries to validate input against a regular expression. The RegEx dotNet libraries are not directly available in Dynamics 365 Business Central; however, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.dvlprlife.com/2022/06/validate-field-pattern-with-regular-expression-in-dynamics-365-business-central/

Business Central 2022 Wave 1 – In-Client Performance Profiler

With each update of Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft enhances what is often referred to as the base application and enhances the development environment. Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 1 has several exciting new features in the development environment. One of the exciting features is the In-Client Performance Profiler In 2021 release wave 2, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.dvlprlife.com/2022/06/business-central-2022-wave-1-in-client-performance-profiler/

Set A Windows Service Log On Account and Password with PowerShell

Repeatability is important! Right alongside that, in my opinion, is efficiency. A recent task required me to set up several Application Services setups, including setting the log on account and password. I could have done all of these manually; however, I found it more efficient and repeatable to set up a script to handle the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.dvlprlife.com/2022/06/set-a-windows-service-log-on-account-and-password-with-powershell/

Add Twitter Card to WordPress without Plugin

Reading this blog, one may think I focus on WordPress development and enhancements. That is not the case by any means. The focus of my career focused on the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The concept behind this blog is to share bits of [technical] “stuff” that I encounter on my journey. The …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.dvlprlife.com/2022/05/add-twitter-card-to-wordpress-without-plugin/

Delete files within subfolders older than a certain period using PowerShell

Delete Key In Blue

In keeping true to the concept of this blog, “Follow the life of an ERP developer, one post at a time,” this post allows you to “follow” something that I needed to crush – deleting files older than a specific number of days or hours including subfolders. Many moons ago, I created an application that …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.dvlprlife.com/2022/05/delete-files-within-subfolders-older-than-a-certain-period-using-powershell/

How to Delete a Sprint in Azure DevOps

When working with Project Planning in Azure DevOps, Sprints are easy to create and assign to Work Items. While there is an easy way to make a Sprint, the option to delete a sprint in Azure DevOps isn’t quite as obvious. It may not often be that you want to delete a sprint (which may …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.dvlprlife.com/2022/05/how-to-delete-a-sprint-in-azure-devops/

May 2022 Cumulative Updates for Dynamics 365 Business Central and Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The May updates for Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central are now available. Before applying the updates, you should confirm that your implementation is ready for the upgrade andensure compatibility with your modifications. Work with a Microsoft Partner to determine if you are ready and what is needed for you to apply …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.dvlprlife.com/2022/05/may-2022-cumulative-updates-for-dynamics-365-business-central-and-microsoft-dynamics-nav/

Business Central 2022 Wave 1 – Users can Export Report Datasets to XML

With each update of Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft enhances what is often referred to as the base application and enhances the development environment. Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 1 has several exciting new features in the development environment. One of the exciting features is that Users can Export Report Datasets to XML. Users …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.dvlprlife.com/2022/05/business-central-2022-wave-1-users-can-export-report-datasets-to-xml/

Business Central 2022 Wave 1 – Demo Tool and Demo Data for Manufacturing Scenarios

With each update of Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft enhances what is often referred to as the base application and enhances the development environment. Dynamics 365 Business Central 2022 Wave 1 has several exciting new features in the development environment. One of the exciting features is the long awaited addition of a Demo Tool and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.dvlprlife.com/2022/05/business-central-2022-wave-1-demo-tool-and-demo-data-for-manufacturing-scenarios/

Change WordPress Login Page without a PlugIn

WordPress is the most popular way to create your website or blog. It is an open-source content management system that allows you to manage important aspects of your website without knowing anything about programming. WordPress also supports plugins, which are small applications that work within the software framework to offer additional functionality.  This blog is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.dvlprlife.com/2022/05/change-wordpress-login-page-without-a-plugin/